What is the difference between a certificate, minor and major?
To learn more about the differences, please click here.
What courses do I have to take for this program?
Please refer to the program catalog for this information.
University Catalog: Sports Analytics, Undergraduate Certificate.
I have already earned a Bachelor’s degree. Can I come back to obtain this certificate?
Students with completed bachelor’s degrees are not eligible for this certification.
Will there ever be a sports analytics certificate for graduate students?
The School of Data Science is interested in offering sports analytics at the graduate level in the future, but we do not have concrete plans or an official launch date at this time.
Although the University is making a lot of effort to do so, it will be long before a graduate program in sports analytics is approved.
Which sports organizations work with students in this certificate program?
Currently, we partner with the Charlotte Football Club (MLS), the Charlotte Hornets (NBA), the Carolina Panthers (NFL), and ESPN.