B.S. in Sports Analytics
Curriculum Overview
This innovative STEM program leverages partnerships with campus and professional sports organizations providing students with community engagement and mentoring opportunities. This streamlined program equips students with analytical and technical skills tailored to the evolving sports industry, supported by a well-rounded curriculum and strategic community connections.
Degree Requirements
- Total Credit Hours: 120
- General Education: 31-32 credit hours
- Major Courses: 57-59 credit hours (6 hours overlap with General Education)
- Free Electives: 29-32 credit hours
Other Requirements and Restrictions
- No prerequisites beyond General Education courses.
- No specialized accreditation, ensuring fewer barriers to degree progression.
- No additional residency, comprehensive exams, thesis, or field experience requirements.
- Current UNC Charlotte students must be in good standing to change their major.
- Current Data Science majors cannot declare a double major with SPOA.
- Students pursuing an SPOA certificate cannot declare SPOA as their major.
B.S. in Sports Analytics Curriculum (SPOA) – 58 Credit Hours
Sports Analytics Core (24 Credits)
- DTSC 1110 – Sports Analytics
- DTSC 1301/1302 – Data Science Studio 1: Modeling and Society
- DTSC 2301/2302 – Data Science Studio 2: Predictive Models (Prerequisite: DTSC 1301/1302)
- DTSC 3601/3602 – Data Science Studio 3: Predictive Analysis & Their Impacts (Prerequisite: DTSC 2301/2302, ITSC 2214)
- SPOA 3400- Data Science Practicum OR EXER 3900 – Undergraduate Research (Prerequisite: Junior/Senior standing, SPOA major or certification, DTSC 1100, Instructor permission)
Calculus (9 Credits)
- MATH 1120/1241 – Calculus OR Calculus I
- STAT 1220/1221/1222/2122 – Introduction to Statistics
- STAT 2223 – Elements of Statistics II (Prerequisite: STAT 1220/1221/1222/2122)
Programming (10 Credits)
- ITSC 1213 – Introduction to Computing (Prerequisite: DTSC 1301/1302)
- ITSC 2214 – Data Structures (Prerequisite: ITSC 1213)
- ITSC 3160 – Database Design & Implementation (Prerequisite: ITSC 1213)
Exercise Science/Human Performance (6 Credits)
- SPOA 1120 – Factors of Human Performance
- SPOA 2120 – Applied Kinesiology (Pre- or Co-requisite: SPOA 1120)
Capstone (3 Credits)
- SPOA 4120 – Modeling of Human Performance (Prerequisite: SPOA 1120, 2120, ITSC 3160)
Sports Analytics Electives (6 Credits)
- DTSC 2110 – Sports Business Analytics
- SPOA 2130 – Introduction to Baseball Analytics
- SPOA 4210 – Advanced Baseball Analytics (Prerequisite: SPOA 2130)