Kaylee Delaney Holds Perfect 4.0 GPA in Data Science

Fast Facts
- Name: Kaylee Delaney
- Hometown: Davidson, NC
- Major/Graduate Program: Bachelor’s in Data Science
- Minor: Mathematics
- Expected graduation date: May 2023
- Hobbies/Interests: I love finding and watching old tv shows from the 50’s-80’s. I especially enjoy the murder mystery type shows, like Murder She Wrote or Columbo.
College Experience
- Why did you choose UNC Charlotte?
I came from a really small high school that didn’t have many resources. I loved the newer facilities at Charlotte, and could see myself fitting in here when I toured.
- What made you choose data science?
I saw that a data science minor overlapped with my major at the time and I thought why not. 1212 was my first ever coding class, and I took it in the spring semester of my freshman year. I loved how I got to be creative and problem solve; there aren’t many other majors where you have that opportunity. It was always so satisfying to solve problems you had been working really hard on. I ended up enjoying all of my data science classes much more than my major classes, so I decided to switch.
- UNC Charlotte favorite memory:
During my freshman year, classes were canceled due to a tornado so my roommates and I had a stormy movie marathon day.
- Faculty/staff member who made an impact on you:
I’ve had a lot of great professors, but one of the best is Aileen Benedict. She is a graduate student that taught my datamining class, and she has to be one of the most caring teachers out there. You can really tell that above all, she wants you to learn. I would say her class was the most stress free class I’ve taken, while being the class I learned the most in. She was just amazing and really collaborated with the students to build an awesome class environment. I would highly recommend any class she teaches.
- Advice for the next generation of Niners:
Don’t be afraid to change majors if you aren’t happy where you are. Don’t force yourself to do something that makes you miserable for the rest of your life just because you picked it initially. I was a junior who changed their major, and I’m so glad I did!
- Post-graduation plans:
It’s a work in progress, but I hope to get a job as a full time data scientist after graduation!